

What’s in a Name – ‘Samskrutham’ Missed as ‘Sanskrit’?

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  • ‘Sanskrit’ is how the colonial world recognized and termed the sacred language of Bharath communities tracing their identities through land, history, religion, socio-cultural, and spiritual traditions anchored to the Mahabharatha, the great narrative of yogis and royal-sages. Prominent personalities in this lineage include Sri Krishna, Buddha, and Mahaveer. ‘Samskrutham’ is the traditional name of Sanskrit. ‘Vak-Yoga’ is the Vedic name for Samskrutham.This shift is recognised and endorsed by Monier Williams, the compiler of the colonial Sanskrit-English Dictionary, in a preface footnote. For nearly two centuries, this lexicon has been the anchor in the global academic world, projecting ‘Samskrutham’ as ‘Sanskrit,’ using a colonial lens, which has distorted and diluted its native traditional narrative.
  • Samskrutham is the language of discourse used over millennia for science, spirituality, and standardizing social-religious governance and administration in Bharath. The linguistics of Samskrutham have been studied across a plurality of applications to document records and research in areas of health, wellness, public health, science and math education, technology, and humanities.
  • The interest of Bharateeya Scientists and Saints in Samskrutham can be gauged by the fact: one language, eight grammars, and seven technical names for each perspective of study! ‘Brahmi’ is one way of modeling the Samskruth language for study. So are the names ‘Sarasvati’ and ‘Bharati.’ One model’s technicality should not be confused or mixed up with another model of language analytics. The Panini tradition stands tall in presenting this ‘vak-yoga’ Vedic tradition of how to code Samskrutham for specific applications.
  • ‘Ka-naada’ is a hardware layout serving as one keyboard for all languages of India. All Indian languages carry the basic organization of ‘language character sets’ (akshara maalaa) coming from Panini’s Brahmi model in Shiva-Sutras. The clustered grouping of ‘varna-aksharas’ in Shiva-sutra is called the ‘Svara-Vyanjana’ layout. This science of human language sounds in language is called ‘shikshaa-shaastra,’ the voice base and basics of spoken/oral languages, be it for conversation, classical poetry, science, or techno-linguistic programming. ‘Ka-naada’ has its hardware keyboard-Indian language character set interface by Panini Brahmi standards in its socio-technical frame as ‘aksharamaalaa.’ This makes ‘ka-naada’ layout directly useful to serve all languages of India using a ‘unifying varnamaalaa-akshara-abhyasa’ foundation. This is a unifying layout by sound, which (a) bridges the forced colonial artificial divide of Indian languages as Aryan-Dravidian using scripting models and (b) serves as a strong platform for cross-lingual regional languages data and program processing.
  • ‘Ka-naada’ joins the world language community in celebrating the recognition of the ancient sacred language of India as ‘Sanskrit.’ We hope that in the future, the traditional term ‘Samskrutham’ – ‘Bharati-Sarasvati’ – will be made more prominent and acceptable.

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